10 October 2023
On 20 – 23 September the rurAllure consortium took part in the Annual Advisory Forum on Cultural Routes, organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.
The Forum, conducted this year in Łódź, Poland, serves as a vital platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and expertise in the realm of cultural heritage and tourism. This annual gathering brought together over 250 participants, including representatives of the 47 cultural routes, ministries and 40 members states, tourism and culture stakeholders, academia and international organisations from across Europe to discuss the preservation and promotion of cultural routes that showcase our continent’s rich history and diversity.
rurAllure was featured as a best practice in the panel on cultural tourism on 22 September, presented by Sami Tawfik and Elena Dubinina from the European Association of the Via Francigena, in charge of the project communication. rurAllure, seeking to celebrate and revitalize rural areas by tapping into their cultural potential, unites several cultural routes and candidate routes as full partners and associate members, such as Via Francigena, Via Romea Germanica, St James ways, St Olav ways, Romea Strata, Way of Mary, St Cyril and Methodius route, European Route of Historic Thermal Towns.
On the last day of the Forum the report “The Cultural Routes: a platform for intercultural dialogue”, featuring rurAllure as best practice for cultural cooperation, prepared by the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe was presented.
The event, dedicated this year to the role of cultural heritage in the construction of a peaceful and democratic society was conducted in the Center for Science and Culture and former textile factory, explored the topics of post-industrial heritage with a several study visits over the city of Łódź, known for its textile industry.
“The Council of Europe Annual Forum on Cultural Routes provides a perfect platform for rurAllure to share its results and outcomes and learn from other cultural route projects. Together, these initiatives are contributing to the preservation and promotion of Europe’s rich cultural heritage while fostering economic development in its rural communities” – comments rurAllure communication leader, Elena Dubinina.
This project has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 101004887.