rurAllure in the media

Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene, Via Francigena achievements in the European project rurAllure


For the past 3 years the EAVF, in collaboration with partners from 6 European countries, has been actively involved in the project “rurAllure: Promotion of rural museums and heritage sites in the vicinity of European pilgrimage routes” under the Horizon 2020 programme.

IrishFoodies, “Winners of the Vacation spot of Sustainable Cultural Tourism Awards 2023 revealed”


The winners had been introduced throughout the Award ceremony that came about in the European Capital of Good Tourism 2023, Pafos, Cyprus, on 19th October 2023.

Comune di Argenta, “Progetto rurAllure - Ascolta i racconti anche tu e compila il questionario”


Il portale dei pellegrini rurAllure consente a camminatori e viaggiatori di costruire itinerari di viaggio personalizzati, programmando i propri viaggi lungo i percorsi storici in base ai propri interessi e conoscere meglio il patrimonio circostante.

Diario da Universidade de Vigo, “Novo galardón internacional para o proxecto europeo rurAllure”


Continúa a colleita de premios para o proxecto europeo rurAllure, liderado pola Universidade de Vigo e dirixido a divulgar o patrimonio cultural que rodea as grandes vías de peregrinación de Europa.

NTNU, “Europeisk pris til pilegrimsprosjekt”


EU-prosjektet rurAllure høster anerkjennelse for sitt arbeid med bærekraftig turisme blant annet langs Gudbrandsdalsleden.

ECTN - European Cultural Tourism Network, Winners and Runners-up by category


rurAllure won the 1st place of the award “Destination of Sustainable Cultural Tourism 2023” for digitalisation advances and digital transition in Sustainable Cultural Tourism.

European Travel Commission, “Winners of the destination of sustainable cultural tourism awards 2023 revealed”


The winners and runners-up were selected by an expert jury out of 60 applications received from 25 countries, and announced during the Award ceremony that took place in the European Capital of Smart Tourism 2023, Pafos, Cyprus, on 19th October 2023.

NECSTouR,  “Sustainable Cultural Tourism Awards 2023 highlight initiatives towards slower, smarter and regenerative tourism”


Among sixty applications received from twenty-five countries, twenty initiatives by tourist destinations across Europe were awarded to acknowledge their achievements and contributions to sustainable cultural tourism across six categories…

TTG Italia, “L'occasione dei cammini internazionali per il turismo italiano”


“Ways to Rome – Dall’Italia alle regioni d’Europa. Esperienze di pellegrinaggio e turismo lento a confronto” è il titolo della tavola rotonda organizzata dal Centro di Studi Avanzati sul Turismo dell’Università di Bologna a TTG Travel Experience 2023.

Una aplicación diseñada por rurAllure promocionará el patrimonio literario en los caminos a Santiago


José Saramago, Faustino Santalices, Manuel Curros Enríquez y Carmen Martín Gaite son los autores escogidos para acompañar a los peregrinos del Camino de San Rosendo en la nueva aplicación.

Textour and RurAllure travel together to promote cultural tourism in marginal areas


RurAllure and TExTOUR are now sister projects, expanding each other network and exploring new opportunities for collaboration. Both projects share a common mission of valorization of cultural heritage in marginal areas and joined forces to achieve this goal.


Úton Nemzetközi Zarándoknap – A fiatalokért az egész Mária úton

Via Francigena and European Walking Routes: 11,000 km of Sustainable Discovery


The ancient European pilgrimage routes, including the Via Francigena and Camino de Santiago, are not only steeped in history but also hold immense potential for sustainable tourism in Europe.

A newly developed app aims to provide pilgrims with a more personalised experience


Every year, over 400,000 pilgrims from all over the world set out on a journey towards one of Europe’s most famous pilgrimage destinations, Santiago de Compostela. Along the way, they leave behind more than 300 million euros worth of consumer spending.

Project lures pilgrims beyond well-trodden paths


Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims make use of Europe’s many pilgrimage walks every year. However, travellers tend to visit only a few of the attractions along the routes. The EU project “rurAllure” aims to attract travellers to lesser-known sites of interest.

Condividi il tuo cammino, torna il concorso fotografico del progetto rurAllure


Dopo il successo della passata edizione, dal 1° luglio torna Condividi il tuo cammino, il concorso fotografico dedicato agliscatti on the road del progetto rurAllure.

The European Federation of Saint James Way at the photo exhibition “Routes of Europe”


The European Federation of Saint James Way was featured at the “Routes of Europe” (“Cammini in Europa”) exhibition, highlighting shared cultural heritage of historical pilgrimage paths in Europe

Il portale dei pellegrini, incontro sul web per conoscere itinerari e il territorio


lla scoperta del progetto “rurAllure”, il portale dei pellegrini, che offre uno sguardo sull’Argentano. L’incontro formativo si terrà

A Fidenza il Festival che celebra la Via Francigena (e i pellegrini fotografi)


Tra le numerose proposte di quest’anno spiccano tre mostre fotografiche a tema che saranno inaugurate in successione. Si comincia giovedì 18 (alle 19 nella Chiesa sconsacrata di S. Giorgio a Fidenza) con «Cammini in Europa», mostra a cura di

Investigadores de Vigo crean una aplicación que diseña alternativas a las peregrinaciones oficiales


La plataforma RurAllure, de Atlanttic, empieza con cuatro rutas europeas, entre ellas el Camino de Santiago

Os socios do proxecto europeo rurAllure reúnense en Ourense e Lugo


En 2021 botou a andar, liderado pola UVigo, o proxecto rurAllure, que ten como obxectivo divulgar o patrimonio cultural que rodea as grandes vías de peregrinación de Europa, ampliando as experiencias das e dos peregrinos que as percorren. 

Incontro tra Via Francigena e Cammino di Santiago sulle montagne della Galizia


Dal 29 al 31 marzo 2023 in Galizia, Spagna, si è svolto l’incontro biennale del progetto europeo rurAllure, programma Horizon 2020, incentrato sulla promozione del patrimonio culturale in prossimità delle vie di pellegrinaggio europee. 

Un proxecto de revalorización de patrimonio rural


O alcalde do Concello do Incio, Héctor Corujo, asinou un convenio de colaboración na Fundación Uxío Novoneyra, na aldea de Parada de Folgoso do Courel, do proxecto Horizonte 2020

Rurallure Annual Meeting


3-days programme of open activities about territorial capitalization of Horizon 2020 to present innovative techno-methodologies and strategies applied about attraction of tourists and pilgrims from European Pilgrimage Routes to perimeter rural cultural heritage and museums.

3rd International Congress on Ancient thermalism


After the 1st International workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths in Urban and (Micro) Regional Perspectives (Kiel 2021); and the 2nd International Workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths: an update on the present state of research (Bern, 2022), we are pleased to inform you that we are already working on the organization of the 3rd International Thermal Congress that will take place in Madrid (Spain) in 9-10th March 2023.

rurAllure: sostenere il turismo lento dei cammini per valorizzare i territori


Il mondo dei cammini sta confermando che l’esplosione avuta durante la pandemia non è stata solo una reazione episodica alle difficoltà di viaggiare dovute al Covid, ma l’emergere di un nuovo modello di scoperta del territorio più lento, dolce e rispettoso. rurAllure è un progetto che vuole sostenere la diffusione di tale modello, a partire dalla comunicazione dei valori di cui è espressione.

Camminare con i bambini: i consigli degli esperti


Tra i vincitori del concorso fotografico “Condividi il tuo cammino” lanciato da rurAllure, Roybellaepapa si sono classificati al terzo posto con questo bellissimo scatto sulla Via Francigena percorsa dal Gran San Bernardo a Roma in compagnia di una bimba di 5 anni. Li abbiamo contattati per capire meglio chi sono e, soprattutto, come hanno organizzato questa avventura a tre! 

Un curso sobre desarrollo de proyectos en el rural recibe inscripciones de varios países


La iniciativa está coordinada por Óscar Penín, investigador del grupo de Arqueoloxía, Antigüidade e Territorio del campus de Ourense

The rurAllure network contributing to the renaissance of pilgrimage culture in Europe – A case of the Way of Mary


The paper discusses the possibilities of using religious tourism to achieve several objectives related to the field of tourism in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia on the Central European Way of Mary. 

Via Francigena, gli Obiettivi del 2023 e i 100mila Pellegrini per il Giubileo


Nel programma 2023 di AEVF due assemblee clou a Pavia e Calais con eventi istituzionali e di condivisione. Poi l’UNESCO e l’obiettivo dei 100mila pellegrini per il Giubileo 2025

La fondazione acqua dell’elba con il progetto la 'via dell’essenza' allo smart walking fest


Si è chiusa domenica sera a Carsoli, in provincia de L’Aquila, la prima edizione dello Smart Walking Fest: dal 22 al 23 ottobre, Davide Fiz – ideatore del progetto Smart Walking – ha riunito i referenti dei 20 cammini italiani percorsi a piedi, per 2500 chilometri, in questo ultimo anno.

Smart Walking Fest: e se unissimo il lavoro da remoto e i viaggi a piedi?


Freelance dal 2010, da anni lavoratore da remoto, lo scorso marzo Davide decide di unire viaggio e lavoro a distanza, camminando la mattina e lavorando il pomeriggio.

Prima edizione dello Smart Walking Fest


Si è chiusa domenica sera a Carsoli, in provincia de L’Aquila, la prima edizione dello Smart Walking Fest: dal 22 al 23 ottobre, Davide Fiz – ideatore del progetto Smart Walking – ha riunito i referenti dei 20 cammini italiani percorsi a piedi, per 2500 chilometri, in questo ultimo anno.

Prima edizione dello Smart Walking Fest Carsoli (AQ)-22/23 ottobre 2022


Due giornate di tavole rotonde e trekking in cui ci si è confrontati su esperienze e buone pratiche da nord a sud dell’Italia; prossimo obiettivo, ideare il primo Manifesto dello Smart Walking: un vero e proprio “timbro di qualità” che certifichi e guidi non solo i camminatori ma anche i nuovi nomadi digitali in tutte le proprie espressioni professionali. 

Prima edizione dello Smart Walking Fest carsoli


Si è chiusa domenica sera a Carsoli, in provincia de L’Aquila, la prima edizione dello Smart Walking Fest: dal 22 al 23 ottobre, Davide Fiz – ideatore del progetto Smart Walking – ha riunito i referenti dei 20 cammini italiani percorsi a piedi, per 2500 chilometri, in questo ultimo anno.

A Merca y San Cibrao acogerán la cuarta “Xornada Peregrina”


La Asociación Amigos do Camiño Xacobeo de San Rosendo e da Rainha Santa celebrará, el sábado día 22 de octubre, una nueva edición de las “Xornadas Peregrinas” para dar a conocer el itinerario de peregrinación que atraviesa la provincia de Ourense, siguiendo antiguas calzadas romanas y el legado de San Rosendo, hasta enlazar, en la ciudad de As Burgas, con la Vía da Prata.

Patrimonio e cultura danse a man no Festival de Saberes co obxectivo de dinamizar o rural


Organizado por A Bela Auria e a UVigo co apoio do Xacobeo e a Deputación de Ourense

El festival “Pedra” del Campus mezcla arqueología y música


El objetivo de las actividades, apoyadas por el Xacobeo, es “amosar que o rural ten futuro”

Pèlerins, à votre appareil photo !


Vous avez parcouru un chemin de pèlerinage et vous en avez rapporté de belles photos ? Alors ce concours, organisé sur les réseaux sociaux dans le cadre du projet européen rurAllure, est fait pour vous.

The rurAllure project at the forefront of cultural heritage enhancement


On 27 and 28 January the cities of Padua and Montegrotto Terme welcomed the third of rurAllure General Meeting, the European Horizon 2020 project dedicated to the promotion of cultural heritage in the rural areas surrounding pilgrimage routes.

Exploring thermal baths and pilgrimage


Thermal bath sites are tourist attractions today that date back centuries. In this blog, the rurAllure project introduces the heritage of thermal baths.

As pegadas da xeración Nós


Decenas de sendeiristas realizaron onte unha andaina cultural dende o parque de Quintela ata Amoeiro para rememorar a peregrinaxe que Otero Pedrayo e Vicente Risco realizaran hai case cen anos polo Camiño Real ata Santiago de Compostela.

The new Via Francigena Magazine featuring rurAllure is out!


The newest issue features among other things a special about the gorgeous Via Francigena in the Susa Valley, a recap of EAVF’s General Assembly in Canterbury, and a testimonial written by Road to Rome ambassadors Marie & Karim

rurAllure, un proxecto que apoia as zonas rurais europeas preto das rutas de peregrinación


O grupo GSSI da UVigo, integrado en atlanTTic, participa nunha iniciativa que procura achegar valor ao Camiño de Santiago e outras vías

Mária út: zarándokturizmusban érdekelt intézmények és szolgáltatók találkoztak Szentegyházán


Családi napot, valamint partnertalálkozót szerveztek Szentegyházán a rurAllure nemzetközi projekt keretében az elmúlt hétvégén. A rurAllure projekt a Mária út erdélyi

In cammino lungo la Via Francigena termale con ‘rurAllure’


Una due giorni di camminate gratuite sulla Via Francigena ‘I love francigena termale by rurAllure’, per scoprire  il patrimonio termale

rurAllure', due giorni in cammino lungo la Via Francigena termale


L’iniziativa si inserisce nel progetto europeo “rurAllure”, ed è realizzata in collaborazione con l’Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigena.

Due giorni di trekking alla scoperta delle antiche sorgenti di origine etrusca


In programma per sabato 28 e domenica 29 maggio “I love francigena termale by rurAllure”, una due giorni di camminate gratuite

Trekking e Terme, un’esperienza da non perdere


Gli appassionati di escursionismo e trekking sono abituati a una buona dose di fatica, che vale la pena di compiere per le esperienze uniche. 

La plataforma viguesa rurAllure para peregrinos de toda Europa


Coordinada por atlanTTic, de la Universidad de Vigo, tiene el objetivo de crear un ecosistema de rutas de peregrinación a nivel europeo y estará lista para 2023

Peregrino, aventúrate y elige tu propio camino


Un consorcio europeo liderado por la UVigo crea una plataforma digital que enriquece la experiencia de los viajeros y pone en valor el patrimonio no incluido en las grandes rutas oficiales

Lista a primeira versión de rurAllure


rurAllure, a plataforma que porá en valor o patrimonio rural e axudará a viaxar aos peregrinos de todos os camiños de Europa, xa ten listos os catro primeiros pilotos que poderán ser empregados polos usuarios dos camiños con destino a Santiago, Roma, Trondheim (Noruega) e Csíksomlyó (Romanía). 

Así é rurAllure, a plataforma da UVigo para explorar os camiños de Europa


A aplicación, desenvolvida por atlanTTic, promove un ecosistema de destinos para potenciar a economía rural da contorna das rutas de peregrinación

5 cammini da fare a primavera


I dati sul turismo outdoor parlano di boom dei cammini in seguito alla pandemia, e le varie ricerche sul tema sono concordi anche sul fatto che sono sempre più trasversali

Portales turísticos y planificación inteligente mediante rurallure


GVAM ha desarrollado conjuntamente con los socios europeos del proyecto rurAllure, una herramienta de creación de portales.

O Camiño Miñoto Ribeiro súmase ao proxecto europeo rurAllure


A divulgación do patrimonio cultural que rodea ás grandes vías de peregrinación de Europa é o obxectivo central do proxecto europeo rurAllure, que lidera a Universidade de Vigo e no que participan 15 institucións e empresas de seis países europeos.

The Way of Mary: discovering Central Europe (and yourself)


The Way of Mary (Mária Út in Hungarian) is an ancient pilgrimage route that provides a rich and unique variety of cultural, natural, gastronomic and religious experiences, as well as a glimpse into the different realities of the peoples who live in that regions

Romea Strata, un’antica via di pellegrinaggio dall’Est Europa


Le antiche vie consolari romane e le romee, vie di pellegrinaggio medievali dirette a Roma, rappresentano oggi un’opportunità di turismo sostenibile

Monforte conmemorará o centenario da histórica asemblea galeguista


O conxunto monumental acollerá unha lectura pública de textos escritos por algúns dos participantes naquel encontro

AEVF ha partecipato al convegno "rurAllure" sulle vie di pellegrinaggio europee


A Padova e Montegrotto si è svolto il meeting internazionale di rurAllure, il progetto europeo Horizon 2020 dedicato alla promozione degli itinerari culturali, al quale AEVF ha partecipato.  

Il Veneto da (ri)scoprire, tra vie di pellegrinaggio e terme antiche


Padova e Montegrotto Terme hanno accolto l’invito al convegno internazionale di “rurAllure”, il progetto europeo Horizon 2020 dedicato alla promozione degli itinerari culturali

Progetto rurAllure per la valorizzazione del turismo rurale lungo i cammini


Per la categoria del blog “Dal mondo del turismo“, vi parlo qui del progetto rurAllure, un progetto europeo che mira alla valorizzazione e alla promozione del patrimonio culturale e rurale.

O proxecto rurAllure analiza en Padua as potencialidades das rutas de peregrinación


Investigadores, universidades e institucións de toda Europa reuníronse esta pasada fin de semana na cidade italiana de Padua para analizar as rutas de peregrinación europeas.

Con rurAllure, per parlare di cammini e patrimonio rurale


Dal 27 al 29 gennaio 2022 l’Università di Padova ospita ricercatori, ricercatrici, università e istituzioni provenienti da tutta Europa per parlare di ripresa del turismo in fase post covid.

EAVF participates in the third European meeting for project “rurAllure”


From 27 to 29 January 2022, the University of Padova, Italy, hosts researchers, universities, representatives of cultural routes and institutions coming from all over Europe to talk about the tourism.

Il patrimonio termale lungo la Via Francigena


Tra i cammini più antichi d’Europa, la Via Francigena occupa un posto speciale, con i suoi 3.200 km che attraversano 17 regioni e 612 comuni, passando principalmente tra le aree rurali. 

Propagácia vidieckych lokalít kultúrneho dedičstva v blízkosti európskych pútnických trás


Občianske združenie Via Mariae podpísalo dohodu o spolupráci so slovenskými zástupcami z Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave.

Chi è il pellegrino del 2021?


I lockdown imposti dalla pandemia hanno contribuito a dare un nuovo impulso al settore dello slow tourism: camminate e trekking non hanno più un target over 60 ma coinvolgono fasce di età sempre più basse.

Otero Pedrayo y el ciclismo, de la mano


Un grupo de ciclistas ourensanos hizo un recorrido en bicicleta hasta Trasalba para visitar el área recreativa que la Fundación Otero Pedrayo ha puesto a su disposición para descansar y recorrer las instalaciones de la que fue casa del Patriarca de las Letras Gallegas.

O proxecto rurAllure e a Fundación Otero Pedrayo fomentan o uso da bicicleta no rural


Na actividade abordouse o seu papel como ferramenta sostible para o desenvolvemento rural

E tu, che pellegrino sei?


Gli amici dell’Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene stanno collaborando a un importante progetto europeo di ricerca. In questa fase è in corso (fino al 15 novembre) un sondaggio – breve e anonimo – per delineare “chi sono” i nuovi pellegrini.

El rejuvenecimiento de los caminos de peregrinación


Las rutas culturales y los caminos de peregrinación no son nuevos, pero con la actual situación pandémica están cobrando un renovado auge. Las personas buscan cada vez más la oportunidad de pasar tiempo al aire libre para reconectarse con la naturaleza.

The rejuvenation of European pilgrimage routes


Cultural routes and pilgrimage trails are not a new phenomenon, but with the current pandemic situation they are gaining renewed momentum. People are increasingly seeking the opportunity to spend time outdoors to reconnect with nature and with themselves

Turismo lento: diventa un pellegrino


Oggi scrivo questo breve articolo per segnalarti un questionario pensato per i potenziali pellegrini dei cammini europei. Nato per rurAllure, il progetto di ricerca finanziato dall’Unione Europea in collaborazione con AEVF.

Camiñar e escribir da man de Uxío Novoneyra


Poetas de distintos países saíron do Cebreiro coa segunda edición das residencias literarias itinerantes Ámeto Mítico no Camiño de Santiago, para escribir sobre as rutas xacobeas e compartir os seus textos en centros educativos, inspirados no último libro de Novoneyra.

La Diputación ha participado en el Congreso Internacional del proyecto rurAllure


La Diputación de Badajoz ha participado en el Congreso Internacional del Proyecto rurAllure, que tiene lugar del 8 al 10 de septiembre, en la ciudad portuguesa de Vila do Conde. 

RurAllure vai promover “experiências diferenciadoras para peregrinos e turistas”


Um projeto para potenciar o recurso às tecnologias da informação no sentido de incrementar a simbiose entre os territórios e os viajantes que o atravessam, seja no cumprimento de rotas de peregrinaçã.

La Diputación de Ourense apoya un proyecto de promoción del patrimonio


El “rurALLURE” pretende aumentar la visibilidad de lugares de interés cultural y dar a conocer el acervo etnográfico, termal, natural y literario de los caminos de Santiago

La Diputación de Ourense apoya rurAllure


El “rurALLURE” pretende aumentar la visibilidad de lugares de interés cultural y dar a conocer el acervo etnográfico, termal, natural y literario de los caminos de Santiago.

rurAllure organiza un congreso internacional sobre promoción da riqueza rural


Apostan por converter o patrimonio literario nun valor engadido nas rutas de peregrinación

Congreso Internacional sobre Promoción del Patrimonio Cultural y de los Museos


El primer Congreso Internacional de rurAllure tendrá lugar en Portugal en paralelo a la reunión general del proyecto.

Vila do Conde recebe Congresso Internacional do projeto rurAllure


O encontro serve para analisar o recurso às atuais tecnologias da informação, no sentido de promover a ligação entre o território e os viajantes. O congresso acontece dias 8, 9 e 10, no Teatro Municipal.

2021, l'anno europeo delle ferrovie


Il sistema ferroviario europeo è un grande mosaico di gestioni nazionali e a pagarne le spese sono proprio le regioni periferiche, se messe a confronto con quelle centrali. Lo studio ha analizzato la rete europea, consacrando Vienna come capitale ideale.

Celebra su fin de semana la Orden del Camino de Santiago


El ente organiza, hasta el domingo, la segunda edición del Congreso Internacional sobre las rutas de peregrinación como impulsoras del turismo global, así como el XXV Capítulo General.

Az európai zarándokutak környékét népszerűsítik


A kulturális együttműködést és a fenntartható turizmust támogatja a „rurAllure: vidéki múzeumok és örökségi helyszínek népszerűsítése az európai zarándokutak közelében” elnevezésű projekt. A program az elképzelések szerint segíti a vidéki környezet és az útvonalak közötti

Tecnología para aunar turismo y patrimonio cultural


El turista pasivo se ha convertido en activo consciente que demanda experiencias diferenciales y cada vez más personalizadas, según ha constatado el presidente de Thinktur en la jornada organizada por la Plataforma Tecnológica del Turismo.

Nuevas oportunidades en el sector turístico y en las ICCs en el contexto actual


Las plataformas tecnológicas españolas ENEM y Thinktour celebran esta jornada online el 30 de junio que tiene como objetivo exponer casos de éxito relacionados con la industria creativa y cultural.

Noia se une al proyecto europeo de promoción turística rurAllure


La concejalía de Cultura de Noia acaba de anunciar que el Concello se suma al proyecto promovido por la Fundación Uxío Novoneyra.

Trasa Via Mariae je v centre záujmu medzinárodného projektu rurAllure


Na projekte spolupracujú tímy z Fakulty informatiky a informačných technológií Slovenskej technickej univerzity (FIIT STU) a Katedry marketingovej komunikácie Univerzity Komenského (UK) v Bratislave.

Inaugurazione del Museo del Termalismo antico e del territorio


Il museo del Termalismo antico e del Territorio, sui siti archeologici di Montegrotto Terme, è stato inaugurato a conclusione del progetto di ricerca “Aquae Patavinae”. I partner del progetto rurAllure visiteranno il museo in occasione del 3^ meeting generale a Padova.

Folgoso do Courel apoya el proyecto rurAllure


La firma de una carta de apoyo al proyecto europeo rurAllure por parte de la alcaldesa de Folgoso do Courel, Lola Castro, convierte al ayuntamiento en el primero de Europa en dar apoyo a esta iniciativa en la que participa como socio promotor la Fundación Uxío Novoneyra

El Concello de O Courel y la Fundación Uxío Novoneyra cooperan en rurAllure


El Ayuntamiento de Folgoso do Courel formalizó un convenio mediante el cual esta administración local se ha convertido en el primer socio colaborador de rurAllure, promovido por la Fundación Uxío Novoneyra.

A divulgación científica en Galego chega a Twitch


Un ambientólogo, unha inmunóloga e un físico cuántico veñen de poñer en marcha “Ecos de Xigantes”, onde Martin López Nores (Universidade de Vigo) presentou rurAllure. 

Convertir a los peregrinos en «turistas activos», un proyecto de las universidades gallegas


La Universidad de A Coruña ha lanzado un encuesta pública que estará disponible hasta el próximo miércoles, 10 de marzo.

GVAM joins rurAllure for the development of the platform


Mobile Guides For All  (GVAM) joins the project as the lead partner of the WP3 providing both advanced content management facilities for institutions and web resources to support pilgrims in their journey.

Vigo lidera un proyecto para promover el patrimonio rural en torno al Camino


La UVigo lidera el proyecto europeo rurALLURE, que implica a universidades e instituciones de seis países con el objetivo de promover el patrimonio rural que rodea al Camino de Santiago.

Miguel Anxo López

FUN Technical Assistant for Heritage Management and Disseminations. Filmmaker and Writer he has studies on Cinema Direction and Laws. Guide to Novoneyra’s House Museum.

María González Borrajo

Responsible for Administrative task & management. Diploma in Social Work, specialized in Public administration and inclusion. More than 10 years of experience in management of various social care programs with different groups, developing and implementing projects of sociocultural social intervention.

Lía Pérez Domínguez

FUN Technician for Tourism Strategies and Internationalization. Phd in Journalism & Media and Postgraduate in Tourism Destination Marketing. More than 10 years of work experience in local tourism policies and strategies. Comms Officer for the European Cultural Route of Historic Thermal Towns (EHTTA) between 2016 and 2018 and certified SICTED Agent.

Cibrao Cabo

FUN Technician on Cultural Management. Phd in History and Postgraduate in Digitization of Cultural Heritage. Trained on Heritage Management, Museums and Archaeology he is responsible for the management of the FUN Archives and guide at Novoneyra’s House Museum.

Bruno Arias

FUN Junior Technical Assistant on Communications. Degree in Audiovisual Communications. Graphic design, audiovisual contents and DigitalMarketing tools.

Branca Novo Rey

FUN Arts Director and Member of FUN Board. Technician on Cultural Management. Phd on Art Education and Political Sciences and Master in Digital Publishing. Between 2015 and 2019 she was the Deputy Mayor of the City Council of Santiago de Compostela and Cultural Policies Councillor and since 2019 opposition councillor.

Ana Lombardero

FUN Technician on Sustainability and Environmental Awareness. PhD in Biology and MSC on Biodiversity and Conservation Biology. Experienced in Environmental Education (formal and non-formal, she has volunteered with organizations including the Max Planck Institute of Ornithology and the Doñana Biological Station (CSIC).

Silvia Cavinato

Silvia has a Master’s degree in History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage, obtained at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. From 2009 to 2012 she worked at the Diocesan Pilgrimages Office with the task of organizing pilgrimages to the Middle East, managing the collection of books “Bible and the Holy Land”, organizing the international cultural event “Lymph of the Olive” and to coordinate volunteers. Since 2012 she has worked at the Girolomoni Cultural Foundation in the Marche Region, with administrative tasks, organization of events and editing of the magazine Mediterraneo Dossier dedicated to biology, religion and current affairs. Since 2019, she has worked for the Homo Viator – San Teobaldo Foundation where she has the task of managing pilgrimages, the communication of the Foundation and supporting the Romea Strata project.

Raimondo Sinibaldi

Raimondo Sinibaldi has been the Director and the legal representative of the Pilgrimage Office of the Diocese of Vicenza for ten years and the President and the legal representative of the Homo Viator Foundation, wanted by the Diocese of Vicenza. For thirty years he has accompanied groups of pilgrims in Biblical Lands and in significant places of pilgrimage, such as Rome, Santiago de Compostela, Częstochowa, Lourdes, etc. In particular, as far as the Holy Land (Israel-Palestine) is concerned, he has the official guide certification issued by the competent ecclesiastical authorities, having completed studies in the Theological Faculty of Vicenza and at the Jesuit Community in Jerusalem. He contributed to the ideation and promotion of the Romea Strata project.

Luisa dal Prà

Romea Strata coordinator. has a Bachelor’s Degree in “Forest and Environmental Sciences and Technologies”. She worked at the “Regional Forest Service” in Veneto Region managing the administration of projects, as Director of extinguishing forest fire department and teaching courses in the
environmental sector. Since 2015 she works at the Pilgrimage office (now Homo Viator Foundation) managing the Romea Strata project. She traced the route, georeferenced it and collaborated in the realization of European projects for the Office.

Aleksandra Grbic

Aleksandra has a Master’s Degree in Sociology and social research. After graduation, she also attended two advanced training courses in “Innovation in social enterprises”(2015) and in “Project Management”(2019). In her last experience she worked for 4 years in a social cooperative as Accessible travel and tourism manager where her main tasks were: implementation of new accessible tourism services; organisation of holidays option for users with disabilities; management of fundraising activity; participation in EU-funded projects; care and management of the PR and communication activities; start up and management of a new accomodation facility. Since October 2019 she has worked for Homo Viator San Teobaldo Foundation as a referent for EU projects related to Romea Strata and its implementation.

Myra Stals

rurAllure project officer for EAVF. Myra has a background in Italian Language and Culture, and has previously worked in the field of International Higher Education. She will be managing the rurAllure communication channels and contribute to the Thermal Heritage pilot. Myra has a great love for bike touring and the environment, and is the founder and president of environmental initiative Cycle 2 Recycle.

Luca Bruschi

EAVF director. Leading the EAVF since 2013, Luca has extended work experience in international organisations and public bodies. With a background in art history and tourism, he is a freelance journalist, consultant, and a hiking enthusiast. Among his publications there are numerous articles in Italian internet media and a book “Via Francigena – una Strada Europea”.

Elena Dubinina

European projects and International relations advisor. With her extended work experience in international organisations and academic background in cultural management, Elena oversees international relations and manages European projects of the EAVF. A travel enthusiast, she spends her free time backpacking all over the world.

Maria Laura Gasparini

Maria Laura Gasparini is a tourism professional with over 10 years of work experience in the travel and hospitality sector. She has a degree in Tourism Economics and Management from the University of Bologna and has specialised in the role of sustainability indicators as policy making tools. Her main research interests are sustainability monitoring, community-based tourism and regenerative tourism. She is currently Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism, Bologna University, where she is contributing to the management of several EU funded projects, such as rurAllure and Fab Routes, focused on cultural routes and rural development.

Antonello Scorcu

Antonello Scorcu is a UNIBO Economic policy and Cultural Economist. His research interests in cultural economics are focussed on pricing and quality evaluation of fine art items. He served as a Director of the Bachelor Degree in Economics and Management of Tourist Services (2001-06) and of the Bachelor Degree in Economics, Markets and Tourist Systems (2006-09). Co-founder of the European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics he has been a member of its Scientific Committee in 2001-17. Former Director of the UNIBO School for Higher studies in tourism, he is currently member of CAST, the UNIBO Center for tourism study. Among the publications in the field, “Cultural tourism and temporary art exhibitions in Italy: a panel data analysis”, in Statistical Method and Applications, 2011, with F. Di Lascio, S. Giannerini and G. Candela; “Seaside tourism and eco-labels: The economic impact of Blue Flags”, in Tourism Management, 2015, with C. Capacci and L. Vici and “On the relationship between reserve prices and low estimates in art auctions”, in Journal of Cultural Economics, 2018, with M. Castellani and P. Pattitoni.

Patrizia Battilani

Patrizia Battilani is a UNIBO Economic Historian. Her research focuses on cultural heritage valorisation, public history and economic history. She has been visiting scholar at the University of Sidney (2013) and Glasgow (2018 and 2019). She served as director of the Bachelor degree in Tourism Economics (2012-2016). She has experience on participating and managing national and international projects as Head of CAST, the UNIBO Center for tourism study. She is responsible for the UNIBO Unit of the Interreg Italy-Croatia project Recolor (Reviving and EnhanCing artwOrks and Landscapes Of the adRiatic). Between 2018 and 2019 she coordinated a transnational research on dissonant heritage focusing on the European cultural route ATRIUM. Her last publications include How to cope with dissonant heritage: a way towards sustainable tourism development in Journal of Sustainable tourism (2018) with A. Mariotti and C. Bernini.

Fiorella Dallari

Fiorella Dallari has been a Professor of Alma Mater (PAM) since 1 November 2018, former associate professor of Political and Economic Geography since 2004 at the Rimini Campus of the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna in the Department for Life Quality Studies. In 1972 she began his research activity in the Faculty of Economics and from 1980 on didactic activity in the geographic field (disciplinary sector M-GGR / 02), with a 1st level national qualification (2012). In the field of research, she deals with tourism geography, economic-political geography and regional geography. Currently his research topics are: Local and sustainable development; Heritage and sustainable tourism; Pilgrimages, cultural itineraries and tourist routes; cooperation and sustainable tourism; Heritage, social participation and citizenship; UNESCO Heritage and Religious Heritage.

Fiorella is also founding-editor of “AlmaTourism, Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development”, a scientific journal of the University of Bologna. Engaged in national and international research projects, she collaborates with UNESCO (UNITWIN Network “Culture, Tourism, Development”; UNESCO Italian Chairs “Territory, Sustainability, Tourism” – TEST, of which she is responsible for tourism; Mediterranean Unesco Chairs – MUNCH), ICOMOS (International Scientific Committee on Places of Religion and Ritual – PRERICO member and coordinator of the Prerico National Committee). For nearly twenty years she has collaborated and collaborates with some itineraries recognized by the Council of Europe (in particular, she is president of European Association of the Vie Francigene, the Via Romea Germanica and the Romea Strata Scientific Committees).
Author of over 150 publications, she received the Vallega prize for research on cultural-historical itineraries (2008).

Alessia Mariotti

Alessia Mariotti was the head of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (Rimini Campus) between 2014 and 2018 and is Associate professor in Economic Geography. Her main research interest are: cultural heritage, culture and local identity in a regional development perspective, participatory processes in local tourism development,
territorial partnership strategies and territorial promotion policies for sustainable tourism development, management plans and monitoring indicators for World Heritage sites, cultural routes and cultural itineraries. She teaches Tourism Systems and Cultural Routes, Geography
of Sustainable Tourism, Cultural Geography of Tourism, Local Development and Cultural Routes, Cultural Geography of Local Development, Tourism and Sport Geography. She is a member of the PhD doctoral committee in “ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, PLANNING” – University of CAMERINO and Responsible for the University of Bologna of UNESCO/UNITWIN Network
“Culture, Tourism, Development”.

Person Name

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